Articles by Frank Lessiter

Biggest Convention Ever!

The largest crowd to ever attend an American Farrier’s Association annual convention was on hand in “Bluegrass Country”
With 1,754 farrier industry people in Lexington, Ky., in early March for the 28th annual American Farrier’s Association convention, it was definitely the place to be to pick up the latest shoeing ideas, see the latest products and talk shop with other horseshoers from around the country and 26 foreign countries.
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Fish Hook Nailing

For a horse with damaged hooves, this unique nailing technique may be a life-saver. And it’s also got plenty of potential for nailing shoes on normal horses

 Hooked is the way Joe Vass readily describes his belief in the fish hook nailing technique he uses to hold shoes on horses he deals with on a daily basis.

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Florida... Where Winter Shoeing Is Jumping

There's plenty of excitement and shoeing work when 4,000 horses, 5,000 participants and 228 farriers head to southern Florida for the winter equestrian season.
WHEN TEMPERATURES dip below the freezing mark in the northern states, hundreds of thousands of retired folks head for Florida for anywhere from a week to a few months to enjoy the warm winter weather.
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What's New, What's Hot?

Check out these products of special interest to farriers from the annual meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners

WALKING DOWN THE trade shoe aisles during the recent American Association of Equine Practitioners annual meeting in December, a number of new products of interest to farriers caught the eye of American Farriers Journal staffers. 

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Check Scientific Shoeing Info From AAEP

PLENTY OF NEW IDEAS relating to lameness treatment, new tools for examining feet and legs, unique shoeing ideas, changing relationships between heel and toe angles, surgical options for foot concerns and much more of interest to farriers were presented at December's American Association of Equine Practitioners meeting.
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Happy 25th Birthday

It's a special milestone as American Farriers Journal celebrates its 25th anniversary during 1999

 This year marks another exciting milestone for American Farriers Journal, as the magazine celebrates 25 years of meeting the informational needs of farriers around the country and throughout the world.

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For 3-Day Events, Be On Your Toes!

Even though the pace may be fast or slow, the shoeing work is intense. Plus, you need that volunteer spirit and a sense of wanting to pay back an industry that's been good to you to make 3-day event shoeing worthwhile.
The work goes in spurts. Sometimes, you can be extremely busy. At other times, you can be bored out of your mind. That's the way shoeing went for five veteran farriers who worked the 1994 Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event held last spring at the Kentucky Horse Park complex in Lexington, Ky.
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