Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. The sixth generation member to live on the family’s Centennial farm in Michigan, he is the Editor/Publisher of American Farriers Journal.


104 "Best of the Best" Shoeing Ideas

At the International Hoof-Care Summit, veteran shoers shared the best shoeing tips, tricks and techniques they’ve used during their shoeing careers

IN TWO POWERFUL idea-a-minute presentations at the recent International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, seven veteran shoers shared more than eight dozen money-making ideas.

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Being an Official Show Farrier is Often Like Being the Maytag Repairman

The official horse show farrier’s role is not to evaluate, change or improve the shoeing work, but to imitate the work of the hundreds of farriers whose horses he is trying to keep going
During the Winter Equine Festival that attracts 4,000 horses to the West Palm Beach, Fla., area from November through March, more than 150 farriers normally register to work on clients’ horses.
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Lee Green

Nailing It Down!

Here are nailing and hammer tricks that have worked over the years for this veteran farrier

WHEN DRIVING NAILS, Lee Green relies on his fingertips to determine where a nail should exit the hoof. He says it’s a time-saving idea that he’s used effectively over the years.

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Shoeing Reiners, Calf Ropers

Understanding how the foot and leg work together is essential before you shoe these performance horses

WHILE THE SUCCESS of top performing reiners and calf-roping horses depends on their ability to slide, several Oklahoma farriers and trainers maintain there are some distinct shoeing differences.

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Rolled Shoe

Use A Full-Rolling-Motion Shoe To Help Breakover

Here’s one of the hot shoeing products highlighted at recent winter farrier meetings
One of the more intriguing innovations at last January’s Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium was a full-rolling-motion aluminum shoe from Italy that was introduced by equine veterinarian Hans Castelijns.
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Toe Clips Vs. Side Clips

While the battle lines have apparently been drawn between European and American interests, an argument over whether toe or side clips are best led several high level trainers and riders to switch farriers earlier this year.
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