Pat Tearney

Pat Tearney

Pat Tearney is a long-term newspaper and magazine veteran writer and editor. Before retiring, he served for a number of years on the American Farriers Journal staff and continues to share his writing talents with our readers.


Local Association Spotlight

Calgary Mail-In Presents

A pair of roadsters is at the center of the 2011 exercise
The 2011 Calgary Mail-In Exercise presents a double-barreled challenge to entrants. Farriers will be asked to forge not just one shoe, but two: A pair of roadsters, to be precise.
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Shoeing for a Living

Practice, Practice, Practice

Dedication and drive take Colorado farrier Jim Quick from mass-production shoeing at dude ranches to top dressage horses
Jim Quick is starting his day of “Shoeing For A Living” early this morning. He’s driven into the heart of Denver, Colo., from his home in Longmont, some 45 minutes to the north.
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Day with a Clinician

Day with a Clinician Helps Build Younger Farrier's Confidence

Delta Mustad Hoofcare Center provides Virginia shoer with her own 1-day consultation with Blake Brown
Karen Killgore attended the 2010 International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio, for the same reason most farriers did; to further her hoof-care education. But Killgore got a surprise bonus when she won a chance to spend a day in the field with an experienced hoof-care clinician — in this case, Blake Brown. And as a result, some of Killgore's clients got the benefit of an expert consultation — at no extra cost.
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Heard at the Summit

Heart Bars As Remodeling Tools

Pennsylvania farrier uses the shoe to keep competitive hunters and jumpers at work and in competition
Heart bar horseshoes are best known for their use in treating laminitic horses, but Steve Teichman, a farrier from Unionville, Pa., has also found them to be a very valuable tool in keeping the equine athletes in his care going, as well as a useful tool in reshaping problem hooves.
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Shoeing for a Living

A Balanced Approach In Oregon

Mark Voorhis bases his shoeing on horsemanship, well-honed skills and a keen sense of observation
The day is about what you expect for western Oregon in late February; grey and damp, with atmospheric moisture varying from a heavy mist to a steady, light rain.
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Day With a Clinician Provides More Than Shoeing Tips

Farrier Product Distribution-sponsored trip gives upstate New York farrier a chance to experience the Wellington equine community and learn from a Hall Of Fame shoer
Farrier Product Distribution-sponsored trip gives upstate New York farrier a chance to experience the Wellington equine community and learn from a Hall Of Fame shoer
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On-The-Job Safety

Proper positioning and stretching exercises will help prevent long-term injuries.
As a farrier, you're going to be working in a field with certain inherent dangers. You already know that and if you're finishing up horseshoeing school, odds are you've already had first-hand experience with some of them.
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Shedding Light On Balance

Farrier finds that laser level can sharpen some fuzzy issues

Lasers are used in a variety of fields, often in very high-tech ways, but some farriers are finding lasers useful for a more mundane, but vitally important task; helping them to better see a straight line.

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Shoeing For A Living

Covering all the Angles

This Standardbred blacksmith says his dividers and hoof gauge are just as important as his anvil and hammers
Standardbred racing has a long and honorable history in the East and Midwest, as well as in Ontario and other parts of Canada. The racetrack blacksmiths that provide the hoof care for these horses have long been considered among the finest horseshoers anywhere, particularly when it comes to balancing horses. In early June, I made a trip to Pennsylvania, to spend a day with a veteran at a harness racing track, who had something in common with American Farriers Journal.
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