Articles by Jeremy McGovern

Hoof Packing

Delivering Sole Support Through Hoof Packing

Understanding the foot’s internal structures and the materials you are using is crucial for properly applying hoof packing for sole support
Regardless of the reason for using hoof packing, the options have certainly broadened since pine tar and oakum were the preferred ingredients for many applications. This is especially true when using packing to provide sole support.
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Product Knowledge

Hoof Packing: Answer 'Why' Before Using Hoof Packing

With the variety of types and uses, think about how you plan on using hoof packing and what you hope to accomplish
Hoof packing isn't a new product for farriers. Home remedies and combinations like pine tar and oakum have been around for generations. And while the hoof packings used years ago are still effective and hold their own, manufacturers continue to introduce new ideas in this product line, trying to better address the specific problems. It is your responsibility to understand these before you use them.
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Frankly Speaking

Work On Working Together

Many vets and farriers have wonderful working relationships — and their mutual clients and their horses are the true winners. However, some members of each group fail to see eye-to-eye, resulting in an inability to work with a counterpart, or that other industry as a whole.

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Keeping Your Tools Working For You

The smooth and efficient operation of your farrier practice begins with making sure your tools are up to the job
Every business must limit its expenses. It is even more critical during the uncertain financial times of today.
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Tips for Saving at the Supply Shop

Beginning with bulk purchases, changing your buying practice at the local supply shop can result in considerable savings
It makes good business sense to save money whenever you can in your farrier practice. To do so, many horseshoers have employed creative or sophisticated ways.
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Spanish 101

Being able to communicate in Spanish with many of the workers in the barns you serve will allow you to more effectively provide precise instructions to grooms
Immigration continues to be a hot- button topic for American political debate. Core to this issue has been the influx of workers from Latin America. Every industry with a physical labor element has been impacted by Spanish-speaking laborers joining the workforce.
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Addressing Hock and Stifle Issues

Three farriers share how they each approach the challenges presented by hind limb problems with athletic horses
Hock and stifle injuries in the equine athlete can hamper the animal's ability to perform. These issues don't appear as frequently as those related to the front end, which can lead to unfamiliarity on how to treat the problems.
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