Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher. A native of Indiana, he also is president of American Horse Publications.


Shoeing for a Living

No-Frills Footcare In North Georgia

Commitment to getting feet to a “solid” state is the cornerstone of Doug Workman’s farrier practice

In the world of horseshoeing, Doug Workman is well respected as an American Farrier’s Association certified journeyman farrier and tester, a board of trustees member for the American Association of Professional Farriers and a sought-after clinician.

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From the Desk of AFJ

When the Government Investigates You

As a farrier, you don't have to like Blake Primm. You don't have to like how he and other Tennessee Walker farriers shoe their clients' horses with padded packages. But if you are a horseshoer, you should be concerned about how the government investigated hoof-care practices in his case.
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Gas Forge

3 Things To Remember About Gas Forges

Keeping a forge running its best isn’t hard, but can be easily ignored
For Cliff Carroll, the complexity of footcare creates such a focus that sometimes the easiest things to prevent go unchecked. The owner of the Larkspur, Colo., supply shop bearing his name says farriers have to constantly think about the trim and the effects of the shoe application so something simple like efficiency with a gas forge is missed.
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Tool Tips From A Tool Master

Wisconsin farrier Roy Bloom shares several quick tips for getting the most from the tools you use everyday
If Drummond, Wis., farrier Roy Bloom is at a clinic, it’s a good bet that tools are going to come up. After all, the Hall Of Fame farrier and American Association of Professional Farriers/Canadian Association of Professional Farriers treasurer has built a reputation as a superior toolmaker.
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Tom Willoughby
In The Shop

Vultures, Horseshoes And Everything In-Between

A visit to Indiana farrier Tom Willoughby’s shop gives insight to how practicing ornamental blacksmithing can translate to forging skills with horseshoes
More so than any predecessor, Facebook has connected people who have never met in person or likely ever will. One person who has thousands of friends, many of whom he has yet to shake hands with, is Crown Point, Ind., farrier Tom Willoughby.
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Thoughts On Medial-Lateral Balance

Colorado farrier Jim Quick shares food for thought on trimming and shoeing for a balanced foot
If you go to a Jim Quick clinic expecting him to dictate how you should shoe a horse, you’re at the wrong clinic. Instead, the Niwot, Colo., farrier says his purpose is to not give instructions to tell other farriers how to shoe, but to share his thoughts on how he does the job. Quick did just that at Bruce Daniels Memorial Clinic in early April when he suggested points of consideration regarding medial-lateral balance.
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From The Desk Of AFJ

Staring You In The Face

This week’s tip got me to think about a recent clinic I attended at the Minnesota School of Horseshoeing/Duggan Farrier Supplies in March. It wasn’t so much the tip that I took away, but how it revealed a truth weeks later.
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