Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern

Jeremy McGovern is the former Executive Editor/Publisher. A native of Indiana, he also is president of American Horse Publications.


From the Desk of AFJ

When Silence Can Benefit the Hoof-Care Team

At last week's International Hoof-Care Summit, we sat down with Welsh farrier Haydn Price. It is hard to pinpoint a single segment from this conversation that stands out as important information or keen insight. Rather, when you speak with someone like Price who possesses this depth of knowledge, the entire time spent in conversation is more like a personal classroom.

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From the Desk of AFJ

Preserving Footcare Legacies

As we noted here, long-time AFJ Managing Editor Pat Tearney retired at the end of 2013. While cleaning out his office, I came across dozens of bins and folders of farrier images, all of them predating the very comfortable and convenient age of digital images.

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Shoeing Rig Showcase

Saving Time With An Ever-Changing Trailer

Taking inspiration from a colleague and others, North Carolina farrier Robbie Shuler has made efficiency the driving force behind his trailer
A few years ago, Robbie Shuler was perfectly happy with his shoeing trailer. But beginning in 2013, the farrier from Wellington, Fla., did a complete remodeling of what originally was an Adam horse trailer.
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Red Flags for Farriers

Could the Problem Be with Your Trim?

If the foot condition isn’t where you want it, look for the signs that you are inconsistent or aren’t addressing the horse’s needs when trimming
The trim is the foundation to what every farrier wants to accomplish with a sound horse — keep the horse that way. Get the trim wrong, and everything else done afterward in the shoeing process becomes compromised.
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Focusing on Breeds & Disciplines

Understanding The Cutting Horse’s Job

When shoeing the cutting horse, apply solid basics with a comprehension of what that athlete needs to do
Doyle Blagg will tell you that shoeing cutting horses isn't rocket science. That's easy for the Collinsville, Texas, farrier to say - he's been on and worked under them for almost 60 years.
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Working With Aluminum? Consider TIG Welding

Massachusetts farrier Mike Phillips finds that TIG welding can connect aluminum shoes and creative therapeutic applications
At the 2013 International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot, veterinarians, researchers and farriers delivered talks that covered a wide range of topics covering biomechanics, pathologies and treatments.
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