Articles by Pete Healey


Measurement Of The Hoof-Pastern Axis For Foot Management

The benefit of this system in the consistency and measurability of the hoof-pastern axis
As footcare professionals know, the angle formed by the bony column of the phalanges with the hoof wall is referred to as the hoof-pastern axis (HPA), and is considered ideal when the dorsal surface of the hoof is parallel to the alignment of the digital bones (Figure 1).1
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Precise Measurements Emphasize Biomechanics for Balance, Breakover

Proper management includes critical measurements that allow a farrier to position the breakover point to meet the functional needs of the horse throughout the shoeing cycle
After 20 years of horseshoeing, I believe farriers and horses would benefit if more emphasis was placed on the biomechanics of the hoof. That’s why, after consulting with other farriers and closely scrutinizing the horses I’ve worked on, I’ve come to define balance as the relationship of the hoof capsule to the coffin bone.
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Farrier Innovations

Pinpointing P-3 During The Shoeing Cycle

California farrier says his scoring system provides valuable information for balance and breakover management
Breakover is a function of the equine foot. A chronic problem that we see in the clinic where I work is that the breakover of the hoof capsule is out of balance with the coffin bone at a given point in the shoeing cycle.
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