From The Desk Of AFJ

From The Desk Of AFJ

Are You A Wonder Junkie?

On a recent flight from Providence, R.I, to Detroit, Mich., I read the airline magazine that featured and interview with filmmaker/TV host Jason Silva. Silva explains how the late Carl Sagan, famed astronomer/cosmologist, coined the phrase “wonder junkie,” which meant once wonder of a subject afflicts you, it becomes an addiction.” How does a term coined by an astronomer have anything to do with farriery?
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From The Desk Of AFJ

Recognize Hoof-Care Mentors

For the 15th year, we are promoting National Farriers Week. The year, the week falls July 7 to 13. From now until July 1, we encourage horse owners, trainers, riders, grooms, veterinarians and others in the equine community to submit pictures and videos of their farriers at work with horses and to share their appreciation for those efforts. We will publish these on our website.

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Frank Lessiter
From The Desk Of AFJ

What's Your Pricing Strategy?

With the hoof-care season about to hit full stride, many farriers have already raised their trimming and shoeing prices for the coming year. And if you haven't already done so, now's a good time to think about the impact higher supply costs can have on the need for boosting your prices.

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Pat Tearney
From The Desk Of AFJ

5 Areas Where Hoof-Care Businesses Fall Down?

I'm currently working on writing a Shoeing For A Living article for the May/June issue of American Farriers Journal. Red Renchin and I spent 1 day and part of another, with Jimmy Gore, a shoeing veteran of 39 years, who lives and works in the Baton Rouge, La., area.
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Pat Tearney
From The Desk Of AFJ

Trimming Landmarks Aren't All On The Bottom

Summit Roundtable participants agree on importance of observing stance, gait and hairline before even picking up the hoof

Summit Roundtable participants agree on importance of observing stance, gait and hairline before even picking up the hoof.

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