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Company Profile

Dormosedan Gel

Contact Information

Phone: 973-822-7000


10 Sylvan Way
Parsippany NJ 07054
United States

Zoetis (zo-EH-tis) is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting the equine industry. We discover, develop, manufacture and market veterinary vaccines, dewormers and pharmaceuticals, such as WEST NILE-INNOVATOR®, FLUVAC INNOVATOR® and QUEST® PLUS (moxidectin/praziquantel) Gel.

We also know how hard farriers work to care for horses. That’s why we work hard every day to better understand and address the challenges you and your horse-owner clients face while caring for their horses.

Trimming and shoeing an uncooperative horse is frustrating for farriers and horse owners. It costs time and money. It also can leave the horse, farrier and handler with injuries.

If you have a client with a horse that is prone to becoming nervous or unruly, you can suggest they talk to their veterinarian about DORMOSEDAN GEL® (detomidine hydrochloride). It can help you successfully complete procedures such as hoof trimming and shoeing. It also can help improve safety for the horse and surrounding animals as well as for you and handlers.

DORMOSEDAN GEL is a safe, effective way for horse owners to administer a mild, standing sedative prior to routine procedures on occasions when horses won’t cooperate. This FDA-approved oral gel sedative must be obtained through a veterinary prescription, but it can be safely administered by horse owners through an easy-to-use, single-dose applicator. The applicator looks and acts much like a deworming tube. However, unlike a dewormer, DORMOSEDAN GEL is administered under the tongue for absorption. It’s also a convenient option for needle-shy horses or for horse owners who are uncomfortable giving injections.

In a recent survey, 93% of horse owners who sampled DORMOSEDAN GEL said they would use it again, and 89% agreed it made husbandry procedures easier to complete.1

Because veterinarians must prescribe DORMOSEDAN GEL, farriers should recommend it prior to the next scheduled visit. That way, you can feel safer and your client’s nervous horse can feel calmer.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: Do not use DORMOSEDAN GEL in horses with pre-existing atrioventricular (AV) or sinoatrial (SA) block, with severe coronary insufficiency, cerebrovascular disease, respiratory disease, or chronic renal failure. Do not use in anesthetized or sedated horses, or in conditions of shock, severe debilitation or stress due to extreme heat, cold, fatigue or high altitude. Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Handle gel-dosing syringes with caution to avoid direct exposure to skin, eyes or mouth. See full Prescribing Information.

1Zoetis DORMOSEDAN GEL Sampling Survey 2012 All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Inc., its affiliates and/or its licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved.

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