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AFA Certification


10/11/19 to 10/12/19


Location: Henry Detweiler's Shaytown Blacksmith Shop
2558 Shaytown Rd
Vermontville, MI 49096
United States
Contact: Henry Detweiler

Event Description

The Michigan Horseshoer's Assn. is hosting a certification in Vermontville. The examiner will be Mark Thorkildson. Pre-registration is required by October 7, 2019. The cost is $150 and includes membership to the Michigan Horseshoer's Assn. Members receive $50 discount. American Farrier's Assn. fees also apply. Written examinations will occur on Friday afternoon. Shoe display/fullered shoe/ bar shoe will also be on Friday afternoon. The practical examinations will be offered on Saturday. Please make checks payable to MHA with level of exam and portions of exam taking on the memo line. Please send checks or money orders to Henry Detweiler. To pre-register or for more information, please contact Henry Detweiler at (517) 726-0550. 

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