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OFA/Werkman Educational Clinic


2/23/18 1:00 pm to 2/24/18 EST


Location: OSU Horse Center
5501 NW Walnut Blvd
Corvaillis, OR 97330
United States
Contact: Tobias Ellis

Event Description

Oregon Farriers Association and Werkman Horseshoes are hosting a 2-day clinic in Corvallis. Reian Werkman will host the clinic featuring Jonathan Nunn and Jacob Manning. Nunn will teach about hoofwall and sole thickness, the golden mean and OrthoKit; Manning will lecture, as well as conduct a hands-on dissection of the hoof capsule and lower leg. The cost is $100 per person for the weekend event. For more information, contact Tobias Ellis at (541) 771-6245. 

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