Items Tagged with 'AFA Bulletin'


AFA Bulletin

Farriers, Sound Your Horn!

The AFA needs to make its qualities known to the horse-owning public
Problems will always occur within an organization. That’s just one of the facts of life. In the farrier world, it seems that we face a lot of problems. We’re therefore very analytical about our trade. Sometimes, this tendency to scrutinize everything so closely carries over into our organization.
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AFA Bulletin

It All Comes Down To The Horse

AFA members need to remember and capitalize on what they do best
In an election year, there is always much unrest and many questions in the back of people’s minds as to the future of the American Farrier’s Association (AFA).
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AFA Bulletin

Looking Toward The Future Of AFA

Challenges lie ahead for association, members
As this will serve as my last official opportunity to report on our association’s goals and visions over the past 4 years, I’d like to do it more as a review with suggestions on continued progress and direction as I see it.
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AFA Bulletin

Horseshoeing Under Attack

Assault in cyberspace threatens the farriery industry
In my last president's message (American Farriers Journal, March/ April, 2001, pages 106 & 107), I warned that our profession seemed to be under attack from the “Natural Horsemanship” crowd and the barefoot groups in particular. I still maintain that, but would like to clarify a few facts.
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