Items Tagged with 'Client Care'


Reading Between The Lines

A Glossary Of Terms For Horse Buyers

Working in the world of horses, moving from stable to stable, farriers have the knowledge to offer insights about horses that clients are considering buying.

So one of your clients is looking to buy another horse? And you’ve been asked for advice? It’s no wonder.

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Online With The Farriers' Forum

Customer Relations Issues

 Q: I know that sometimes accidents happen when working with horses and that unexpected expenses occur through nobody’s direct fault.

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Echoes Of The Anvil

A little horse-owner communication can go a long way
Tim Tritch and Matthew Gillis often found themselves repeating things to different clients about the care of horses. Gillis came up with an idea to address that problem and Tritch enthusiastically went along.
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Online With the Farriers’ Forum

The Question Of Scheduling

How Do You Keep Your Clients Regular?
So you've got the horse balanced, trimmed up properly and shod and you’d like to keep him that way. You ask the horse owner about scheduling the next appointment and you get an answer just about as firm as the sky you’re standing under.
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Laying 'Em Down

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly...All 1,000 Head
One thousand head of horses, one customer, all at one location; a horseshoer’s dream or nightmare? At 6 to 10 head a day, you would have one-third to one-half year’s worth of work already in your appointment book, a dream...
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One Farrier’s Viewpoint...

Common Courtesy & Common Sense

Better communication, continuing education should be farrier priorities
I had a few minutes between clients and was engaged in a conversation with one of the vets at the clinic where I’m a resident farrier. I was profoundly struck by what I observed during a momentary break in our discussion. Another vet walked up to us, excused himself and proceeded to ask the vet I was talking to for some suggestions on a case involving a foal with breathing problems. The clinic had already sent someone out to see this foal, but this was to be this vet’s first trip.
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