Items Tagged with 'Ric Redden'


Press Release

Rood & Riddle to Host International Podiatry Conference

Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital will be hosting the International Podiatry Conference in Lexington, Ky. The educational seminar is for veterinarians and farriers, aimed at creating a collaboration between the two professionals while also increasing and sharing their knowledge of biomechanics, laminitis and new innovations within equine podiatry.
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Developing the Eye for Detail

Learn to observe greater detail in the equine foot by breaking it down into smaller parts and sketching it
I am constantly striving to find ways to teach my veterinarian and farrier students how to tune their eyes to observe the smallest details. Many years ago, I learned that the caveman mentality is still a great way to teach. Simply studying the many messages left on stone by our predecessors from thousands of years ago allows us to step into their bare footprints and visualize what their eyes were seeing.
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Club Foot or Upright Foot? It’s All About the Angles

Proper diagnosis is important to determine a maintenance plan
It’s not uncommon to observe minor asymmetries in any horse’s feet. But when there is a significant difference between a pair of hooves, typically the front, the unevenness may be attributable to club foot. Club feet are estimated to be present in 5% to 20% of the equine population.
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What Causes Club Feet?

Hall Of Fame farrier Doug Butler examines why flexure limb deformities develop and how to prevent and manage them
The characteristics of a flexure limb deformity, commonly referred to as club foot, are easy to identify. Growth rings are wider at the heel, the toe is usually dished, the hoof is high on the heel and the coffin joint axis is broken forward. Radiographs often reveal that the coffin bone is deformed or remodeled. But what causes it?
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A Table With All The Trimmings

A Table With All The Trimmings


This report takes you through hoof trimming with some of the most serious practitioners of the art. Lavishly illustrated with color photos of hoof models created by Allie Hayes, it includes detailed descriptions of hooves trimmed to the certification standard of the American Farrier's Association, the Four Point Trim developed by Dr. Ric Redden, the Natural Balance Trim of Gene Ovnicek, a Universal Sole Thickness Trim used by Michael T. Savoldi and trims developed by barefoot advocates Dr. Hiltrude Strasser, K.C. LaPierre and Lyle Bergeleen. This report will help expand your knowledge of this vital aspect of proper hoof care and will give you the background to understand the how and why behind these trimming methods.


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