Items Tagged with 'O.R. Adam'



Defining The Hoof Quarters

The prevalence of caudal foot problems leads Hall Of Fame farrier to spell out the critical, yet elusive, description
The front half of a horse’s hoof has been the center of trimming and shoeing discussions for quite some time. Specifically, finding the ideal breakover point has been the focus of countless conversations and endless training. Lafayette, Ind., farrier Danvers Child points out that the vast majority of hoof issues occur in the back half of the foot, not the front.
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Heather Smith Thomas

Shoeing Lessons Learned on the Ranch

She only shoes her own horses, but an Idaho rancher is no shoeing novice

Necessity is the mother of invention, as the old saying goes, and someone once said that ranching is the mother of necessity. In other words, to survive in ranching, a rancher has to be innovative and a jack of all trades.

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