Items Tagged with 'foal deformities'


Always Consider What Affects the Hoof’s Shape

Dr. Simon Curtis reminds farriers that there are a multitude of factors that affect hoof shape — and should be considered when trimming and shoeing horses
When working with horses, it is imperative for the farrier to mentally review aspects that affect the shape of the hoof. Some of these factors can be influenced by you as the farrier, while others are completely out of your control. All should be considered when trimming and shoeing the horse, as these factors will influence your decisions in maintaining its hooves.
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Pat Tearney
From The Desk Of AFJ

Walking The Fine Line On Foals

Dealing with young horses presents another example of the importance of using your mind, developing your eye

Dealing with young horses presents another example of the importance of using your mind, developing your eye.

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Tackling Angular And Rotational Deformities In Foals

Foal deformities are becoming severe enough to warrant corrective shoeing or surgery
Most foals are born with some degree of deformity. However, most of these deviations are minor and correct themselves without any intervention by the farrier or equine veterinarian. In some cases, attempts to correct what appear to be deviations in a foal result in irreversible damage and deformity later in life.
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