Items Tagged with 'Rider Error'


Reader Commentary: Dec. 2017

Horse Owner Perspective: Work As A Team For Safety After reading your website article on the farrier who died on the job (“Wrongful Death Ruling Empowers Farriers,”, I wanted to say that my staff and I take responsibility for handling and controlling the horse for the farrier.
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“Diplomatic Skills” Needed When Stumbling is Due to Rider Error

It’s never easy to tell one of your clients to lose 150 pounds, buy a new horse with better conformation or to sign up for riding lessons
No farrier wants to have a tough client conversation about how rider error may be impacting a horse’s behavior. And when you have to be blunt and explain how rider error rider is the cause, it’s time to bring your “diplomatic skills” into play.
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12 Reasons Why Stumbling May Not Be a Horseshoeing Problem

Before you follow an owner’s or trainer’s instructions to modify a shoe, consider these other reasons why a horse is stumbling
Farriers often hear an owner say, "My horse stumbled, so my trainer said to tell you to rocker the toes." Many trainers and owners believe that a rolled or rocker toe is all that is needed to "correct" stumbling.
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Solving the Mystery of Lost Shoes

Educating your clients about how this happens will enable your business to run more smoothly
Lost horseshoes are a nightmare for horse owners as well as horseshoers. For the horse owner it never fails to happen at the most inopportune time.
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