Items Tagged with 'Anatomy'


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International Hoof-Care Summit

Special Equine Limb Dissection Wet Lab

International Horseshoeing Hall of Famer Mitch Taylor of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School presents a special, extended equine limb dissection featuring an interactive discussion of vital structures that improves your understanding of quality hoof care.
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International Hoof-Care Summit

Supporting the Hoof, Supporting the Client

Dr. Deb Bennett of the Equine Studies Institute offers insights from 40 years of horsemanship experience in specific areas that are especially helpful to farriers. She offers effective, humane approaches to problems such as a horse that wants to pull back when tied, or that bites, balks, kicks, or strikes, as well as how to effectively teach a horse to pick up its foot and hand it to the farrier.
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International Hoof-Care Summit

Cadaver Limb Dissection Wet Lab

In this VIP Hands-On Dissection Wet Lab, Paige Poss of Tucson, Ariz., leads a lively and informative discussion in which attendees inspect cadaver limbs before, during and after dissection.
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Understanding Ligaments and Tendons in Horses

In this first in a series, Dr. Deb Bennett discusses the scope of her anatomy lessons and misconceptions she finds with ligaments and tendons.
The specialized and fascinating anatomy and function of the reciprocating systems, which aid locomotion in horses, is crucially important for farriers. I want to begin by clearing up some confusions about anatomical terminology, as well as make clear my approach to teaching horse anatomy.
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Scientific Horseshoeing

Scientific Horseshoeing

This special hard cover reprint of a rare edition of Ohio farrier and Professor William Russell's Scientific Horseshoeing is rooted in practical knowledge and careful study of anatomy. You'll find that the book remains astonishingly applicable to many of today's toughest footcare challenges, providing practical solutions for hundreds of hoof-care concerns in 384 pages containing over 600 detailed illustrations. View
Laminitis Bundle2

Everything You Need To Know About Laminitis (NA0415AAEZ)

$14.90 (43%)

With this new package from AFJ, you'll get two leading-edge reports offering practical approaches to dealing with various causes of laminitis. PLUS, we'll instantly send you a downloadable report, Laminitis And Heart Bar Shoes, with more even more valuable information, including a list of the 20 most commonly asked questions and answers concerning laminitis.

These three great resources will give you a deeper understanding of how to prevent, diagnose, and treat laminitis.

Therapeutic Farriery

Therapeutic Farriery


Therapeutic Farriery is a valuable resource for farriers, veterinarians and students of both professions. This popular 291-page hardcover book begins with an overview of the anatomy and development of the horse’s foot followed by chapters on locomotion, the foal, farriery techniques and farriery for orthopedic disorders in foals. Over half the book is devoted to therapeutic farriery, including farriery for hoof disorders, abnormal foot conformation and tendon and ligament injuries. Throughout this book you’ll appreciate the abundance of sketches and color photographs that provide insightful and in-depth footcare learning.

Kitchen Sink

American Farriers Journal Kitchen Sink (Canada)


The American Farriers Journal “Kitchen Sink” is our best offer for farriers. The “Kitchen Sink” includes 57 items — all 9 great “Farrier Classics” books, 41 highly educational special shoeing reports and 6 other educational and entertaining books including the highly respected classic, Scientific Horseshoeing by Professor William Russell. PLUS, we'll throw in a free American Farriers Journal baseball cap. That’s 4,088 pages of valuable shoeing knowledge at a great price that’s 35% lower than retail!

Artistic Horseshoeing

Artistic Horseshoeing


This time-tested advice of renowned farrier George E. Rich delivers critical aspects of anatomy, pathology and mechanical action of the foot, limb and body that are eye-openers for today's farriers.  An in-depth analysis of practically every kind of lameness and abnormality affecting the equine foot, and solid ideas to improve the gait and speed of any horse.  First published in 1887.


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