Items Tagged with 'hot shaping'



Hot Shaping

Do you hot shape the shoes you place on horses? Is this the case for every horse you work with?
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Getting A Better Fit

Hot Or Cold?

Before he retired, Ringwood, Ill., Jim Woods always treated shoes with heat.
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Shoeing For A Living

Shoeing the High-Stepping Tennessee Walking Horse

Team approach lauded by farriers, trainer in preparing horses for the upcoming show season
Watching a Tennessee Walking Horse go through his paces can be confusing. The horse leans back into his haunches, driving off them powerfully, while his forelimbs stretch out ahead, churning the air and pin wheeling ahead of the rider.
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Shoeing for a Living

Farriery Farm Aid

Nebraska's Gregg Kremer started shoeing to try and save the family homestead
A few years back, Gregg Kremer was right in the middle of an unfortunate continuing economic story — and he wasn't enjoying it much.
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Back To The Basics

Where There's Smoke, There's Hot Fitting

The how and why of “burning” a shoe onto a foot
Just because you shape your shoes hot doesn’t mean you have to hot fit, of course. You can always let a hot shoe cool in the air or quench it in a bucket of water before you fit it to the horse — and there are times when you should do just that.
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