Items Tagged with 'Drew Morales'



Shop Talk: AFA Convention “Best In 10 Years”

The American Farrier’s Association Annual Convention, held in early March in Arlington, Texas, was one of the most successful in recent memory with 609 attendees, says outgoing AFA President Jon Johnson. “It might be our best convention in 10 years,” he says.
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Farrier Tips

A Tighter Grip: Proper Storage Can Increase the Life of Your Tongs

Like any tool, tongs take a fair share of abuse from repeated daily use. From red-hot forge to quench bucket, your tongs are asked to withstand a lot of stress. One simple way to decrease the stress on your tongs is how you store them while at the anvil. Read more from farrier Drew Morales on this simple, efficient method for storing your tongs at the anvil.
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Leverage Your Options Before Selecting A Loop Knife

This quick introduction to loop knives will prepare you for introducing it to your everyday practice
The popularity of loop knives in the United States has increased in recent years. Versatile and durable, the loop knife is a go-to tool for many farriers today. I'm one of the many practitioners who has switched.
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