Items Tagged with 'Jeff Thomason'


Changing Forces And Tensions

Establish clear goals and understand how altered angles will affect structures before choosing wedges
Shoeing with wedges is all about redistributing the forces among the force bearing structures of the hoof. This statement by Jeff Thomason, of the University of Guelph, encapsulates the purpose of wedges in farriery.
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Concussion and the Equine Foot

Examining the multitude of factors influencing the interaction of the hoof and the ground

As far back as ancient Greece, horsemen have recognized the importance of the hoof, and the influence of the hoof-ground interface (on the way of going of the horse). Lacking the wings of Pegasos, real horses are subject to the shock of impact with the ground passing through their hooves and lower limbs.

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Farriers And Research: A Possible Role

Hoof-care professionals could unite to build a valuable database that could be mined for a variety of information
When a farrier has trimmed and shod hundreds of horses thousands of times, it stands to reason that he or she will have reached certain conclusions about how trimming a foot this way, or applying a shoe in that way will affect a horse.
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With any horse that Ian McKinlay encounters that shows front-end lameness where the feet are questionable, the South Amboy, N.J., farrier immediately performs several simple tests. He evaluates the horse as it walks from a soft surface onto a hard surface.
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Biomechanics and Hoof Care

Researchers are gathering data that will help dictate what farriers, trainers and veterinarians will do in the future
The first time Jeff Thomason attached strain gauges to a horse's hoof was also the first step on what turned out to be a pretty ambitious quest.
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