Items Tagged with 'Harry Patton'


From The Desk Of AFJ

Times They (Still) Are A Changin’

Farriery is an art and science steeped in tradition. Within that tradition is a commitment to honoring the basics. Yet, there is always a constant evolution within the system. New products come and go. New theories and research emerge that reshape our thinking about the horse. Some things will never change, but many others do.
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News & Notes

Hall Of Fame Farrier Recalls Her Past For Elyria Woman’s Club

Ada Gates Patton hails from a family whose roots include Elyria as well as cousins named Vanderbilt and Frick. Yet a life that included growing up as a debutante among the high society of Long Island, N.Y., modeling and acting, and a second career as a nationally known farrier have done nothing to diminish her deep affection for, and ties to, Elyria.
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35 Great Debuts

Here’s a look at when some of the greatest farriers first contributed to American Farriers Journal
While working on this 35th Anniversary issue of American Farriers Journal, I've been paging through back issues. At times I can almost feel the heat of the forges and hear the distant echo of hammer ringing on steel.
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Cash in on Product Sales

Farriers who sell products to clients find it accounts for an average of 12% of their yearly income
With horse owners requesting more product information and advice on managing their horses, there's a great opportunity for you to share your experiences and ideas with hoof-care clients.
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Shop Talk

More Concerns About Licensing
While it dealt with equine massage therapists, a bill introduced last summer in the California State Assembly could have had serious ramifications for horseshoers. Fortunately, the bill was killed in committee, thanks to the efforts of Bob Smith, a farrier and owner of the Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School in  Sacramento, Calif.
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The Best Of The Best

Meet the first International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame class of the new millenium
WE ASKED YOU to nominate the very best and you didn’t let us down. This year, we induct six top-notch, world-renowned farriers into the International Horseshoeing Hall of Fame Class of 2000.
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