Items Tagged with 'glued on shoe'


Tackling Tough Cases

Tackling a Whole Heel Blowout

The hoof walls of these racehorses sometimes only sit an inch in front of the bulbs
The hoof walls of these racehorses sometimes only sit an inch in front of the bulbs.
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A Pain in the Back End

Four veterinarians discuss the all-too-common problem of palmar foot pain

How many horses in your practice battle palmar foot pain, riding that razor edge between working soundness and days off? Pain originating in the palmar or rearward section of the foot isn’t a very specific diagnosis, but it certainly affects a lot of horses — and thereby a lot of farriers.

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Sigafoos Series

Glue-On Alternatives Still Work

Glue-on cuffs, adaptor pads, therapeutic kits remain a viable option for shoers

Despite the advancements in today’s adhesives, acrylics and other types of materials that can be used to build up and repair damaged feet, there are still a wide variety of other options out there that can help fill a farrier’s specific needs.

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