Items Tagged with 'Toe Clips'


The Way it Was

No Strings Attached

Mare finds a new purpose after dumping rider & getting kicked out of summer camp
I had the account to shoe the riding string at a well-known kid’s summer camp in the late 1970s or early ’80s. There were anywhere from 15-25 horses at any one time, and they fit just about any description you might want to give them.
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Using Clips as Needed, Not as Trends Dictate, Will Enable Farriers to Improve a Horse’s Hoof-Health and Performance

Hoof proportion, digital alignment and capsule health should all be considered before deciding whether to use clips and which kind
It’s not uncommon for farriers to feel pressure from clients who ask for a shoe style or trimming method because the people winning in their discipline “do it that way.” Suddenly, it becomes the “go-to” preference and influences availability of supply.
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Shop Talk: March 2018

FEI Taps AAPF/IAPF As Farriers For 2018 World Equestrian Games The American and International Associa­tions of Professional Farriers (AAPF/IAPF) will serve as the emergency farrier service providers for the FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG) Tryon 2018 at Tryon International Equestrian Center in Mill Spring, N.C.
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Feet Move, Nails Don’t

Place nails to accommodate the natural function of a hoof, not hinder it
Scott Lampert, a farrier with 30 years of experience, remembers an important, long-ago shoeing lesson as if it happened yesterday. At the time, Lampert served a high-profile client with one of the top hunters in the country who had qualified for the indoor finals in Washington and New York.
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