Items Tagged with 'Josy Griffin'



Hoof-Care Email Q&A

What kind of hoof coatings, if any, do you use and what benefits do you think they provide?
I use Hoof Heal by Cut Heal. I started experimenting on harness horses because they have hard, strong feet that need to be pliable for the hard surface they race on.
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Online with the Farriers' Forum

Hoof Wall is Pulling Away from Sole

My Thoroughbred was slightly lame for 3 weeks. He seemed fine out in the pasture, but was definitely sore when worked in the arena. I’m not sure if it was because he just had his shoes pulled or because the ground recently froze and his feet needed time to adjust without shoes.
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Online with the Farriers' Forum

Ringbone Remedies

I have a mare that was recently diagnosed with ringbone in her off side front. The vet said there is nothing I can do, so I am looking for help. I trim and shoe my own horses and have for 20 years, but have limited therapeutic experience.
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Online With the Farriers' Forum

Seeking Advice on Adjusting a Patten Bar Shoe

Q. What would you suggest for dropping the angle of a patten bar shoe? How much time do you allow between adjustments and how many degrees at a time? This is a 10-degree bar on a mare who has had a lot of damage to the deep digital flexor tendon and surrounding tissue.

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cover balance
Shoeing For A Living

Balance From All the Angles

Minnesota farrier’s holistic approach benefits her clients’ horses
Even for a January day in Minnesota, it's cold. The mercury in thermometers has taken up residence far south of the "zero" mark and you don't even want to think about wind chill. Vehicle engines grumble to life reluctantly — or not at all — and it would be a good day to own a franchise in something like "Jumper Cables R Us."
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