Items Tagged with 'Kathryn Watts'


Laminitis Panel

A Wide-Ranging Look at Laminitis

Fifth International Equine Conference On Laminitis And Diseases Of The Foot Delves Into Many Areas And Therapies
Gorgeous sunshine and swaying palm trees were good reasons for visiting Florida’s Atlantic coast, but they were greatly enhanced by the gracious hospitality and extraordinary exchange of equine knowledge at the Fifth International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot.
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Fighting Founder Through Forage Control

Food management can be just as important as foot management

But nutrition can have a huge impact on those feet and your work on them, especially when it comes to laminitis, and often owners just don’t know when their horse-feeding practices are contributing to the problem. You can win a lot of loyalty, and reduce your chances of working on foundered feet, by helping educate your clients about nutrition as it relates to foot health.

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Horse Eating

Dietary Risk Factors Linked to Laminitis

Emphasizing dietary management and pointing out risk factors to horse owners may help stave off dangerous bouts of laminitis

EDUCATING HORSE OWNERS and providing them with information on the latest research findings on the links between equine nutrition and the development of laminitis, may go a long way toward improving laminitis prevention in your client’s horses.

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