Items Tagged with 'customer relations'



A West Coast farrier says she is much more careful about charging in today’s tougher economy for some of the small things that she used to let slip by for the sake of effective customer relations.
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Shop Talk

Mustad, Delta Join Forces

The Mustad Hoofcare and Delta Horseshoe families are joining forces to create an integrated team dedicated to the hoof-care industry and to the welfare of the horse.

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A Half-Century’s Lessons on Working Smarter

Hall-of-Fame shoer Lee Green shares lessons he wishes he’d learned earlier in his career
While he’s learned many things in his horseshoeing lifetime, Lee Green continues to analyze shoeing techniques and how to work smarter to make more money, save time and minimize labor. He encourages younger farriers to learn from older farriers’ war stories and to avoid the mistakes they’ve made.
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Are You Leaving Shoeing Dollars On The Table?

Based on the price ranges given for treating this horse, you might be, but most farriers believe you need to immediately get a vet involved in this case

WHEN 18 FARRIERS described how they’d tackle the therapeutic shoeing case described at right, there were a wide variety of answers and prices that ranged from $75 to $750 for the first visit.

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Twenty Reasons to Pay on Time

Fed up with late payments, some farriers are charging billing fees
There can't be anything more frustrating than pulling up to a barn, shoeing a horse and then not getting paid. You’ve put in your valuable time and strenuous effort only to leave the work area with no more money than when you showed up.
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Online With The Farriers' Forum

Customer Relations Issues

 Q: I know that sometimes accidents happen when working with horses and that unexpected expenses occur through nobody’s direct fault.

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Minimizing Customer Phone Calls

The benefits of using e-mail and a Web site for your shoeing business
Jimmy Gifford uses his e-mail and Web site as business tools for scheduling shoeing appointments, answering questions about general customer concerns and communicating with other farriers about hoof problems.
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Texas A&M University equine veterinarian Robin Dabareiner told attendees at the late November American Association of Equine Practitioners meeting in San Diego, Calif., that they’ll learn much more about the hoof by paying more attention to it. “Just by looking at the hoof more, I’ve learned an awful lot and realized that trimming is more important than shoeing,” she says. “With better trimming, horses are staying sounder longer and doing so with less drugs.”
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