Items Tagged with 'flat soles'


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Options Aplenty to Give Working Horses a Little Extra Help

Now is the time to learn about more effective techniques for dealing with lameness and hoof pain concerns.
Our in-depth eGuide on “Options Aplenty To Give Working Horses A Little Extra Help” offers plenty of field-tested, practical ideas ranging all the way from the trim to the need for protection and support to keep working horses on the go. Plus, it’s FREE.
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Tender Loving Footcare Needed with Older Horses

Reduced physical activity along with serious digestive system changes often lead to serious problems with deteriorating hooves with aging horses
It’s not at all unusual to see declining hoof conditions in older horses as the natural aging process takes its toll on equine body condition.
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Martin D. Kenny
A Farrier's Viewpoint

Geometry or Physics?

When it comes to shoeing, which do you use?

I’ve been at this a long time (35 years) and have only truly understood the hoof (as all farriers should) in the past few years. At first, it was disturbing to come to the realization that after all those years thinking I knew what I was doing, that I really had no idea at all.

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Online With The Farriers' Forum

Advice On Shoeing Racehorses

Q: I recently had a new client contact me who has racing Quarter Horses and he wants them shod with race plates. I don’t have any experience with racehorses and racing plates. I imagine they’re shod the same way — by making sure the foot is balanced and level — followed by putting the shoe on.

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Bilateral Toe Cracks

Radiographs and measuring from the center of rotation help overcome common foot conformation concerns
This case involves a seven year-old Thoroughbred gelding with a year-long history of chronic lameness.
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