Red Flags for Farriers

Red Flags For Farriers


Product Details

As a farrier, you are one of the most trusted sources of information for horse owners. And for those clients wise enough to keep their horses on a regular schedule, you are seeing your clients with greater frequency than most other equine professionals. Because of this frequency and your expertise, you are the first line of defense for issues associated with the foot. This incredibly detailed 62-page report features detailed information on a variety of areas that hoof-care professionals have reported as impediments to the success of their business, challenges in their everyday hoof-care work and threats to the health of their horses’ feet. From posture problems to recognizing when to fire a client, this report will provide you with tips and advice to get your hands around minor issues early, before they escalate into major ones.

You'll find a wealth of valuable advice regarding:

  • Blemishes and posture problems
  • Spotting subtle signs of horse discomfort
  • Avoiding improper shoe fit and size
  • Identifying vet-worthy warning signs
  • Turning a problem client into a model client