
Training the Next Generation of West Texas Farriers

Blane Chapman and his brothers emphasize education and fundamentals in their hoof-care practices

When shoeing in Lubbock, Texas, there’s a good chance that the farrier is working on a Quarter Horse. It’s also a good bet that the farrier is either a Chapman or someone who has worked for a Chapman.

Lubbock has a tight and familial horseshoeing community that’s largely the result of the efforts of the Chapman family. Blane, Baker and Brice Chapman have carried on the legacy of their legendary father Burney in their corner of West Texas by embracing young farriers and educating them on how to do right by the horse in their hoof-care practices. Joining them today are several farriers who have been or currently are apprentices for the brothers — Tanner Garcia, Jordyn Rowland, Jess Northrop, Peyton Ray, Corey Gray, Zach Dicken and Isaiah Culpepper.

The day begins at George’s Restaurant, where Blane meets up with the collection of farriers — plus Baker’s 11-year-old son Braly — for breakfast. The bond among the men is evident from the outset with boisterous greetings, lively banter and good-natured ribbing. The respect for Blane and the desire to learn is equally evident as the din quickly subsides when he begins answering a question about a club-footed horse.

Farrier Takeaways

  • Keep an open mind on different horseshoes. While a farrier might use one option sparingly, it’s another tool in your shoeing box that should not be discarded.
  • Take control of your business by hiring a scheduling service and having new clients haul their horses to you.
  • Paying an apprentice and…
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Jeff cota 2023

Jeff Cota

Maine native Jeff Cota joined Lessiter Media in January of 2014 and serves as the current editor of American Farriers Journal. Jeff enjoys photography, baseball, and the “opportunity to meet and learn from some great people in a fascinating trade.”


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