Jerry Hutsinger (Goldendale Wa.)
It's all about the horse. Jerry never stops learning and applies ALL of his 25 years of knowledge towards helping horses feel and be their best. Jerry has apprenticed with the top talents and continues to enrich his knowledge bank.I met Jerry in 2017 and he drastically improved the hoof structure, hence the quality of life, for a rescued paint mare of mine. He is the fastest and most anatomically correct farrier I have encountered in 40 years of hiring farriers all across the US. The horses appreciate that even more than me - they love to see him!Jerry used his knowledge and great character to bring an excellent, horse centered line of products to the market in cooperation with a highly experienced and educated chemist. He uses these products to actively heal and promote healthy growth. Jerry goes very far out of his way and countless hours treating injured hooves and keeping the good ones healthy.

-Louanne Mckown, Vancouver Wa.

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