
At his core, Ralph Hampton of Rosevine, Texas, is a farrier. However, there’s so much more to farriery than hoof care. Photo by: Jeff Cota

I'm Your Farrier

I’m your farrier. I drive back roads every day looking for you and your horses. I argue with the GPS lady about which turns to make, how far to drive and where to go next.

I touch hundreds of horses, and I love them. This farrier thing is much more than my job, it’s my life. I do more than nail shoes on your horses' feet or trim away excess hoof. I train them, help them be confident and assure them that life will be OK.

I’m the guy who is the first line against poor performance or unsoundness. I work hard to make your horse and you comfortable, sound and happy.

I pet your dogs, play with your kids and compliment your barn. I’ve helped you catch horses, worm them, give them shots, and not once did I charge you for these little extras. I’m happy to help.

My hands are scarred and rough, yet gentle and kind. Sometimes I bleed for you. My knees are pocked with hundreds of tiny nail holes and yet you never know if I hurt or I'm sore and stiff and tired. I would keep working under any conditions because this is more than my job or my work, it’s who I am.

“You pay me for the knowledge I have…”

I see happy, well-cared-for horses with bright sunny stalls, and I see horses mired in muck and urine. I work with healthy, happy horses and horses who have given every ounce of…

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Ralph Hampton

Ralph Hampton is a long-time farrier from Rosevine, Texas, whose family has been involved horseshoeing for more than 200 years.

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