Items Tagged with 'Ralph Hampton'


Final Word

I'm Your Farrier

I’m your farrier. I drive back roads every day looking for you and your horses. I argue with the GPS lady about which turns to make, how far to drive and where to go next.
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Web-Exclusive Feature

Marketing Yourself Pays Off

When Rosevine, Texas, farrier Ralph Hampton meets someone for the first time, you can bet the topic will eventually turn to horses. Hampton admits that some of his colleagues don’t like, nor understand why he’s adamant about marketing his hoof-care practice.
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Putting Service in Customer Service

East Texas farrier thrives by embracing marketing and good business practices
At his core, Ralph Hampton is a farrier. Not like Jack is in construction or Jill is an administrator. The Rosevine, Texas, shoer is a throwback to the days when a farrier fulfilled an important role in a small rural town. “This is not something you do for a living,” he says. “This is something you do for life.”
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National Farriers Week

[VIDEO] I'm Your Farrier

As part of the 18th annual National Farriers Week, American Farriers Journal salutes hard-working farriers with the help of Rosevine, Texas, shoer Ralph Hampton, who wrote “I’m Your Farrier,” which is featured in this video.
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