American Farriers Journal readers can now participate in twice-monthly polls to explore how their practices compare with their fellow farrier or get ideas from others about relevant issues like winter hoof care, laminitis treatments, forging techniques and more.

Last month, we asked you how you prepare your horses for winter and got a variety of answers.

Different parts of the country require different kinds of cold-weather preparation. According to respondents of the November poll, many farriers make slight shoeing adjustments to accommodate wet or snowy conditions. Most respondents shoe their horses with rim or popper pads, while some apply studs to keg shoes or leave more heel to offset feet sinking into soft ground.

Farriers who participated and provided their name, email and state of residence were entered into a drawing for a monthly giveaway. This month, Pennsylvania farrier Zack Serakowski is the winner of a $25 AFJ store credit.

This can be applied to your next year’s subscription, hoof-care books, presentation downloads or your 2025 International Hoof-Care Summit registration.

Congratulations to Zack, and be sure to participate in this month’s poll for a chance to win $25 in AFJ credit!

Visit the page where all our polls live or take December's poll below.