17 More Quick Tips for Improving a Practice

Farriers often look for ways to boost a practice. Often, some ideas are simple and overlooked. The best source is other farriers who have picked them up along the way.

While at the 2015 International Hoof-Care Summit, Todd Allen of Vandergrift, Pa.; Matt Cooper of Cleveland, Texas; and David Nicholls of West Sussex, United Kingdom; shared their ideas for you to implement into your practice as soon as you get home. We covered 25 of their ideas in the April issue of American Farriers Journal (“25 Quick Tips For Improving A Practice,” American Farriers Journal, April 2015, page 74). Here, you will find 17 more tips to help improve your practice.

Todd Allen
Todd Allen of Vandergrift, Pa.

Establish good vet/farrier relationships. “One of the best things you can do for your business is to have a good relationship with the vet. In my area, there is a vet who a lot of people know — I consider him an icon. He is a master at making relationships and helps everything go smooth in our business. If we have a problem, we call him. He never cuts on us. He’s very positive in everything he says and gives confidence to the owner,” says Allen. “If I have a questions on his shoeing recommendation or diagnosis, I’ll give him a call. If I don’t think he got all of the information from the horse owner, I’ll give him a call. Go around, meet with your vets, get good report with them. If…

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