More Farriers Going High Tech to Boost Efficiency, Productivity

Over a recent 2-year period, the number of full-time footcare professionals using computers increased from 42 to 60 percent. Computer usage among part-time shoers increased from 35 to 50 percent during the same period. These results came from the “Farrier Business Practices” survey of American Farriers Journal readers that is conducted every 2 years. Much more data from this survey can be found on Pages 17 to 25 of the November 2005 Farrier Supplies And Services issue that was mailed in early November. This in-depth economical analysis of readers serves as the benchmark for the entire footcare industry. While the use of computers by shoers may not be as high as that in some other industries, the usage increased by an astounding 43 percent among full-time farriers and 30 percent among part-timers during the last 2 years.

Business Uses Vary

In an analysis of how readers use computers, 43 percent of full-time farriers use them to search the Web for information, 42 percent use them for e-mail and 31 percent do computerized accounting. Yet only 16 percent use a computer for invoicing while 9 percent use it for scheduling clients and horses. Full-time farriers averaged 3 hours per week searching the Web for information. By comparison, part-time farriers averaged 7 1/2 hours a week on the Web. This likely means part-timers have more spare time or are searching the Web while working at another job. Farriers were also asked whether they rely on a hand-held computer or a Palm Pilot-type…

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Frank lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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