
Farrier Business Still Looking Good

Data gleaned from the latest American Farriers Journal survey indicates the hoof-care business is holding its own and doing better than other areas of the equine industry

Just as is true with the real estate market, location plays a key role in the average annual gross income earned by farriers. In the latest AFJ Farrier Business Practices Survey, full-time farriers in the Far West averaged $102,290 in annual gross income, compared to a low of $84,602 for farriers in the Central region.

Just as is true with the real estate market, location plays a key role in the average annual gross income earned by farriers. In the latest AFJ Farrier Business Practices Survey, full-time farriers in the Far West averaged $102,290 in annual gross income, compared to a low of $84,602 for farriers in the Central region.

That’s among the many significant conclusions based on results taken from the recent Farrier Business Practices survey that was conducted among American Farriers Journal readers earlier this summer.

This exclusive survey is drawn from a random sample of American Farriers Journal subscribers from around the country. A four-page survey was mailed to 2,000 subscribers and 448 responded ­— representing a favorable return rate of 22%. The survey results represented 75% full-time farriers and 25% part-timers. Compiled every 2 years, this survey continues to be the only one of its kind for the equine hoof-care business in the United States.

Sizeable Income Growth

Full-time farriers who answered…

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Frank lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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