
Keep Your Rasps Sharp And Save

Pennsylvania farrier suggests two techniques to give your tool longer life

Steve Teichman and his Chester County Farrier Associates crew get under about 15 horses a day. While that’s great for business, it also means tools and other resources wear out quicker — especially rasps.

“If I get a week out of a rasp, you know, that’s great,” says the Unionville, Pa., farrier. “Some rasps, you might get a day. We were buying rasps by the case and it just got to be ridiculous.”

Teichman shared a couple of techniques — a buffing wheel and muriatic acid — to get more life out of rasps.

Take Them To The Wheel

The most common and successful way to sharpen rasps is by applying compound to a buffing wheel.

“A lot of farriers are starting to do this now,” says the United States Equestrian Team farrier. “You can extend the life of a rasp, I’m going to say five or six times easily. It’s rare, but if you hit upon the right rasp you’ll keep a good, sharp rasp for as long as 6 weeks.”

Teichman uses a pair of 2-inch sewn cotton wheels on two Baldor motors. While there are a number of compounds from which to choose, he prefers white.

“It’s coarse enough,” Teichman says. “I experimented for the longest time. There’s a product from Jackson Lea that comes in a tube, like a paste. It’s like an 80-grit and that’ll do an amazing job on rasps.”

Farrier Takeaways

Using a white buffing compound on a sewn cotton wheel will dramatically…

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Jeff cota 2023

Jeff Cota

Jeff Cota has been a writer, photographer and editor with newspapers and magazines for 30 years. A native of Maine, he is the editor of American Farriers Journal.

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