Wellington, Fla., farrier Fabio Gnoatto holds the hind feet behind the other to help a horse stay comfortable while trimming and shoeing.
A horse that’s comfortable often stands well and makes a farrier’s life much easier. There are times when you can help that horse find comfort, thereby helping yourself.
When working on hind feet, Wellington, Fla., farrier Fabio Gnoatto suggests picking up a foot and bringing it behind the other.
“The horse is in a triangle,” he says. “When the foot you are working on is aligned with the spine — right behind the opposite leg — the horse is comfortable and won’t lean on you. When it’s far from the other leg, it’s not. I try to find where the horse is comfortable so I can work less.”
Discover more tips from Fabio Gnoatto by reading, “Trimming To The Center Of Rotation” in the May/June 2016 issue of American Farriers Journal.
Do you have a helpful tip that could benefit other farriers? Send them to Jeff Cota at jcota@lessitermedia.com.