Welcome to the 2016 National Farriers Week Farriers Spotlight!

Farriers work hard year-round to provide quality hoof care for horses worldwide. To honor their dedication and service, American Farriers Journal created National Farriers Week. In its 18th year, National Farriers Week is an opportunity to honor your farrier.

American Farriers Journal started the "Farriers Spotlight" in 2012, which is an online-exclusive compilation dedicated to showcasing some of the many farriers in the industry. The farriers featured here were either submitted to us by members of the equine community worldwide, or were stories sent in by farriers about what they are doing in the industry. If you submitted a farrier, you can jump straight to their dedicated page by clicking on their name in the list of farrier submissions below.

There are plenty of photos, videos and anecdotes for you to read and see. Be sure to share this with your family and friends, and give your own "thank you" to our beloved farriers in the comments section here or on any of the individual farrier pages that follow.

Thank you farriers, and Happy Farriers Week!

 —Michelle Drewek and the American Farriers Journal team

Farrier Tributes, in alphabetical order by last name: