Placerville, Calif., farrier Marijke Ellert finds that she maintains more control of a miniature horse’s foot while trimming by placing it behind her knee and holding it with her calf muscle and the back of her thigh.
Trimming miniature horses can be challenging at times. They’re just so darn, well, small.
While many farriers place the hoof on their boots while trimming, Placerville, Calif., farrier Marijke Ellert takes a different path.
“I like to hold their front legs,” she says, “behind my knee so I can use both hands. It doesn’t work real well if you’re especially tall, but it works for me.”
The foot is held in place more securely, allowing the trimming to be accomplished more accurately and at a quicker pace. There is a slight drawback, though.
“Sometimes,” Ellert says, “the chaps get in the way.”
Do you have tips for trimming minis? Share them below in the comments section.
Get this tip and more from Marijke Ellert by reading, “A Fierce Passion For Helping Horses” in the September/October 2016 issue of American Farriers Journal.