Articles Tagged with ''Deb Bennett''

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International Hoof-Care Summit

Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Museum Bonus Tour

Building off of her Summit presentations, Dr. Deb Bennett of the Equine Studies Institute, and Dr. Robert M. Timm, curator emeritus of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History in Lawrence, Kan., lead a private behind-the-scenes guided tour of the museum’s Mammals Division.
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International Hoof-Care Summit

Supporting the Hoof, Supporting the Client

Dr. Deb Bennett of the Equine Studies Institute offers insights from 40 years of horsemanship experience in specific areas that are especially helpful to farriers. She offers effective, humane approaches to problems such as a horse that wants to pull back when tied, or that bites, balks, kicks, or strikes, as well as how to effectively teach a horse to pick up its foot and hand it to the farrier.
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Equine Reciprocating Systems: Do You Know the Nuts and Bolts of the “Orthopedic Trim?”

Farriers test their knowledge about how the forelimb functions
Over much of the past year, through this series I have presented the building blocks of information needed to understand the structure of the forelimb reciprocating apparatus in horses. Starting from collagen and elastin at the molecular level and working through all the various connective tissues structured by those two molecules, you have had the opportunity to learn equine anatomy and terminology as enrolled university zoology, pre-medicine or pre-veterinary majors would.
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Equine Reciprocating Systems: Extreme Skeletal Specializations

In this sixth installment, Dr. Deb Bennett discusses the impact of the equine joint shape on the horse’s forelimb
Most, if not all, farriers are already familiar with the chain of bones that forms the equine forelimb: scapula, humerus, radius-ulna, carpal bones, cannon bones and splints, pastern bones and coffin bone. Added to this list are the three pseudo-bones called sesamoids, which lie behind the ankle and coffin joints.
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Equine Reciprocating Systems: Periosteum, Joints and Growth

In the fifth in this series, Dr. Deb Bennett illustrates how the horse matures and the role joints play in locomotion
The periosteum, thin but tough connective tissue that enwraps all true bones, was the focus of the third installment of this series, “Equine Reciprocating Systems: Connecting Tendon to Bone.” Knowledge of the periosteum creates a good starting point for learning the structure of joints.
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Equine Reciprocating Systems: Connecting Tendon to Bone

The third installment of this series examines bone formation and its relationship to the muscle tendon
The forelimb reciprocating apparatus of the horse is a unique and important biomechanical system that every farrier must understand before good decisions concerning hoof trim and appliances can be made. Detailed study of tissue types is the first step, but we also have to be careful of our choice of terminology.
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Understanding Ligaments and Tendons in Horses

In this first in a series, Dr. Deb Bennett discusses the scope of her anatomy lessons and misconceptions she finds with ligaments and tendons.
The specialized and fascinating anatomy and function of the reciprocating systems, which aid locomotion in horses, is crucially important for farriers. I want to begin by clearing up some confusions about anatomical terminology, as well as make clear my approach to teaching horse anatomy.
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