Articles Tagged with ''Tim Shannon''


How a Successful Farrier and Veterinarian Relationship Should Flow

To help horses, both the farrier and veterinarian must recognize specific areas of responsibility and have open communication.
When farriers and veterinarians work together, great things can happen for the horse. This requires a balance of communication, mutual respect, confidence and several other traits. We asked equine veterinarian Bob Grisel and farrier Tim Shannon to share their advice for colleagues working with footcare counterparts, and also expectations for the other party.
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Club Foot or Upright Foot? It’s All About the Angles

Proper diagnosis is important to determine a maintenance plan
It’s not uncommon to observe minor asymmetries in any horse’s feet. But when there is a significant difference between a pair of hooves, typically the front, the unevenness may be attributable to club foot. Club feet are estimated to be present in 5% to 20% of the equine population.
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Matching the Shoe to the Job

Experienced farriers say the choice should be based on a number of factors, many of which have nothing to do with the shoe itself
There is no shortage of horseshoes, in size, style or material. It will take no more than a few minutes inside a well-stocked supply store to convince anyone of that. Jeff Ridley, a farrier from Leighton, Iowa, recently was struck by that fact during a clinic at Anvil Brand’s headquarters in Lexington, Ill. The clinician was Shayne Carter of West Mountain, Utah.
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Farriers Sweat the Small Stuff to Keep Performance Horses Competing

Sore feet, abscesses occur regardless of discipline and require quick and effective hoof care
Performance horses, by the very nature of the work they are asked to do, are more prone to injuries than horses that are being used primarily for recreational riding. There are a number of studies that offer evidence that certain injuries are more likely to occur with certain disciplines, but an informal survey of several experienced farriers indicates that across disciplines, more common injuries such as sore feet and abscesses are the culprits that farriers most often have to deal with.
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Understanding And Managing Quarter Cracks

California farriers offer their advice to achieve positive outcomes

Tim Shannon has some succinct advice for farriers who deal with quarter cracks. “I’d suggest whoever wants to get into it to find somebody who knows a lot about [handling quarter cracks] to walk you through it,” advises the San Moreno, Calif., farrier. “There is a lot to crack repair.”

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