Articles Tagged with ''Pat Reilly''

From the Desk of AFJ

Want Better Vet-Farrier Relations? Improve Communication

Have you found yourself thinking that you were on the same page with someone only to find that you weren’t even in the same chapter? What very well could be a genuine attempt to be helpful by either party might be construed as something altogether different. That’s what makes the farrier-veterinarian relationship tricky.
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Plenty Of Arguments For And Against Licensing

As some push for regulation, the courts and the White House eye limits

Although there’s a considerable debate being waged over farrier licensing, it’s not an argument that’s unique to this industry.

A number of industries, courts, lawmakers and bureaucrats have been busy sorting through the profusion of perspectives and disputes — and dispensing a few of their own along the way. Much of the information gleaned from these cases and research directly apply to farriery.

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Considerations For Successful Management Of Underrun Heels

Two veterinarians and a farrier survey considerations for addressing this foot condition
The principle that a veterinarian-farrier team is required to help horses maintain soundness, maximize performance and overcome lamenesses is undeniable. It is a balance of knowledge, skill and an understanding of the other member’s responsibilities, as well as your own. At the early December American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention, the coordination of these efforts was showcased in a podiatry workshop that called on veterinarians and farriers to discuss the management of a variety of equine foot conditions that hoof-care professionals commonly face. Among these subjects were presentations on the veterinary and farriery roles in addressing underrun heels.
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From the Desk of AFJ

New Products: Evaluating Baloney Vs. Lasting Power

The September/October issue of American Farriers Journal marks the magazine’s 40th anniversary. In it, we’ll publish the original 8-page magazine that Henry Heymering ran in 1975. We also have a special section in which veteran farriers consider how the industry has changed over the previous 40 years.
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Farriers And Research: A Possible Role

Hoof-care professionals could unite to build a valuable database that could be mined for a variety of information
When a farrier has trimmed and shod hundreds of horses thousands of times, it stands to reason that he or she will have reached certain conclusions about how trimming a foot this way, or applying a shoe in that way will affect a horse.
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Laminitis Panel

A Wide-Ranging Look at Laminitis

Fifth International Equine Conference On Laminitis And Diseases Of The Foot Delves Into Many Areas And Therapies
Gorgeous sunshine and swaying palm trees were good reasons for visiting Florida’s Atlantic coast, but they were greatly enhanced by the gracious hospitality and extraordinary exchange of equine knowledge at the Fifth International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot.
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Pat Reilly

Never a Normal Day

Being the farrier at the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center requires the profession’s traditional skills, as well as those of a teacher and an inventor
Being able to problem solve for the unexpected and unfamiliar is a job requirement for farriers. Even today, when manufacturers continually make new keg shoes and equipment to tackle nearly every footcare issue, resourceful shoers will still reach for bar stock when unique cases arise.
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