
Shoeing for a Living

Shoeing for Speed

Shoeing a few hundred Standardbreds every 3 weeks requires fast, precise work
Harness horseshoer Chuck Bright leads a double life. On weekends, he’s a fairly typical guy, working on his small farm near Beloit, Wis., mending fences, caring for horses and other pets and doing other odd jobs around the house.
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What’s Coming In Shoes?

There’s nothing earth-shattering, but new technology offering more shoeing options is on the way
First of all, the shoe shown here equipped with a number of accessories isn’t going to revolutionize shoeing. But its introduction demonstrates that there’s plenty of creative thinking that could impact the way you shoe in the future.
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Mention this western Canadian city to leading farriers around the world and they’ll think first about the Calgary Stampede and its famous forging and shoeing competition
While in Calgary earlier this summer for the World Championship Blacksmiths’ Competition (WCBC), my wife and I toured the city’s Olympic Park. This is where the ski jumping, bobsledding and luge competitions were held during the 1988 Winter Olympics.
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Farriers' Roundtable

How Do You Deal With Clients Who've Read Off-Beat Shoeing Articles?
“When your shoeing customers refer to shoeing practices they have read in magazines or on the Internet, your best course of action is to discuss them fully as to their merit and in the context of your understanding of the concept."
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Shoeing The Whole Horse

WHY HORSES lean is a question probably as old as horsemanship. Some say they’re curled to the left in the womb, others explain it’s due to Coriolis force. Still others say it’s really due to always handling them from the left.
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Shoeing for the Long Run

While most farriers agree that a properly balanced diet is the best way to help a horse maintain healthy hooves, there are many other measures that should be addressed when shoeing a horse for endurance riding.
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Making The Front Toe Weight Shoe

THE FRONT TOE WEIGHT shoe is one of 12 shoes involved in the Mustad Specialty Forging contest at the American Farrier’s Association convention in Ontario, Calif., February 22 to 25, 2000.
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