Research Journal

Research Journal

A retrospective case series was used to identify the types of problems associated with lameness and poor performance among barrel racing horses presented for these complaints.

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Research Journal: May/June 2005

Researchers examined the relationship between hoof acceleration patterns and dynamic properties of the racetrack surface. Eight clinically normal horses with accelerometers attached to each hoof were galloped along a straightaway in repeated trials. Between each trial, the track was harrowed and water was added to change surface properties. After each trial, dynamic properties of the track were measured near each hoof print for several strides.
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Research Journal: March 2005

A case series of 27 horses with navicular syndrome treated by extracorporeal shock wave therapy was reviewed with comparisons of pre- and post-treatment lameness and radiographic scores. Most horses in the study were Quarter Horses and the median duration of lameness was 12 months. Follow-up was obtained at 6 and 12 months after treatment.
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Research Journal: January/February 2005

A case series of 27 horses with navicular syndrome treated by extracorporeal shock wave therapy was reviewed with comparisons of pre- and post-treatment lameness and radiographic scores. Most horses in the study were Quarter Horses and the median duration of lameness was 12 months. Follow-up was obtained at 6 and 12 months after treatment.
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Research Journal: December 2004

The information, ideas and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the United States Department of Agriculture.
This cross-sectional study examined horseshoes, exercise histories and moderate (non-fatal) suspensory injuries as possible risk factors for catastrophic suspensory apparatus failure (SAF) and condylar fracture of the distal canon bone (CDY). Comparisons were made between 108 horses with SAF, 33 with CDY and 160 control horses.
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Research Journal: July/August 2004

This article is an excellent literature review and offers a summary of the two leading theories on the biology of acute laminitis caused by systemic illness. Vascular theory suggests a relationship to altered blood flow. Metabolic theory proposes toxins and enzymes acting at the cellular level are responsible.
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