

How Nutrition Affects the Horses' Hoof

Equine feet will reflect diertary deficiencies and excesses in their outward appearance
From hoof quality to athletic ability, good nutrition influences every aspect of a horse’s health. Nutritional imbalances result when a horse is fed too little or too much of a nutrient. Quality forage and grain should provide the bulk of a horse’s nutritional needs, but supplements also may be needed to balance a horse’s ration.
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News & Notes

Hoof Quality: Is Biotin Enough?

Dry brittle hooves, chronic thrush, lost shoes … all reasons someone will head to the feed store to buy a biotin supplement. Most manufactures will tell you to keep your horse on biotin for at least 6 to 12 months before you see a difference. Now it’s a waiting game.
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Hoof Nutrition Intelligence

What is the impact of poor nutrition on hoof quality?

Equine nutritionists are frequently asked questions about dietary influences on hoof health by farriers, veterinarians, trainers and owners. In recent years, more horse owners have expressed an interest in the effects of poor nutritional status or malnutrition on hoof health. Hoof Nutrition Intelligence is brought to you by Banixx.
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Hoof Nutrition Intelligence

While my trainer refers to my mare as an “easy-keeper,” is there anything I need to watch out for in regard to hoof concerns?

“Easy-keepers” sometimes founder due to the overfeeding of concentrates or grazing lush pastures. They often have dull coats, poor hooves and should be supplemented with L-tyrosine and iodine to furnish the essential nutritional building blocks for producing needed levels of the thyroid hormone. Hoof Nutrition Intelligence is brought to you by Banixx.
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Test Your Hoof-Care Knowledge

American Farriers Journal strives to provide practical information that farriers can use to increase their hoof-care skills — and their bottom line. To help keep you on your toes, American Farriers Journal created a quick 6-question quiz, “Test Your Hoof-Care Knowledge!" Take the quiz and we’ll send you a copy of your quiz results and a FREE copy of the 9-page eGuide, “White Line Disease: Different Approaches to An Old Problem” delivered via email.
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