
Farrier Feedback

Farriers Seeking Upgrades To Shoeing Practice

New products are piquing the interest of farriers looking to reduce bodily impact, increase shoeing speed and offer better care for their clients’ horses

THE TRADE SHOWS of 2004 allowed farriers to “hold and feel” several of the newer improvements unveiled by manufacturers.

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A Dream On Wheels

This farrier’s vision of a customized shoeing truck becomes a ready-to-roll reality.

IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE that the rig Mike Rogers recently displayed at the first annual International Hoof-Care Summit in Cincinnati is actually a 1996 Chevrolet pickup with 75,000 miles behind it.

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Dan Bradley

Two Jobs ... One Trailer

Dan Bradley is prepared to work on tools or hooves, and everything he needs travels with him around the country
Versatility is key to Dan Bradley’s rig. It was built to accommodate the work he does both as a farrier and as a tool technician for G.E. Forge & Tool Inc.
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Lee Green

Nailing It Down!

Here are nailing and hammer tricks that have worked over the years for this veteran farrier

WHEN DRIVING NAILS, Lee Green relies on his fingertips to determine where a nail should exit the hoof. He says it’s a time-saving idea that he’s used effectively over the years.

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