

Every Year, A New Truck

This shoeing body has sat on five truck frames since 1994
Few farriers buy a new truck as often as Gene Cook. That’s because the Franksville, Wis., shoer likes to purchase a new pickup every year.
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Hot Shoeing Products

Here's a rundown on a new products of special interest to farriers from the recent American Association of Equine Practitioners annual meeting

Plenty of new and exciting products were displayed at the annual meeting of the American Association of Equine Practitioners in Albuquerque, N.M.

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Kamagata Teito

Japanese farriers demonstrating in the hotel parking lot at the 1984 American Farrier’s Association convention impressed observers with their skill in using Kamagata Teito, the sickle-shaped Japanese hoof knife.
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Making The Rocker Bar Shoe

THE ROCKER BAR SHOE is one of 12 shoes involved in the Mustad Specialty Forging contest at the 2000 American Farrier's Association convention in Ontario, Calif., next February 22 to 25.
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Drawing Clips

Putting clips on shoes is as much a part of shoeing a horse as driving the nails
Clips are one of the best things you can forge on a horseshoe, once you learn how to properly create and fit them.
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Hooves Vs. Bedding

While farriers aren’t often asked by clients what to recommend for stall bedding, that doesn’t mean the impact that these materials have on hooves isn’t of great concern.

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