

Reach Your Full Potential Through Continuing Education

Commitment, consistency and accountability will help you achieve your goals in improving your skill and knowledge as a farrier
I believe it is a tragedy if farriers don’t continue to learn. I am grateful that I have recognized that one’s skill level can and must continually improve — especially when I look back over my own difficult experience. Yet, there are no defined or required policies for established farriers to continue their education.
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Making His Mark as a Cutting Horse Shoer

Texas farrier Jake Whitman draws from his time as a trainer to keep these athletes going
There’s something satisfying about watching a cutting horse doing its job well. The speed, agility and balance of the horse to mirror a cut cow as it desperately tries to return to the safety of its herd is mesmerizing and thrilling all at once.
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Are You Considering More Than Feet When You Trim And Shoe?

Understanding deviations will guide you in helping the horse, Hall Of Fame farrier tells Summit attendees
In modern brain research, scientists say it takes 10,000 hours to become really competent to where your hands and your mind are all working together, where you don’t have to think about every move you make.
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[Podcast] An Interview with Ada Gates

In this episode of the American Farriers Journal podcast, brought to you by Life Data Labs, we welcome Southern California shoer, Ada Gates, to share her experiences as an ambassador for the international farrier industry.
In this episode of the American Farriers Journal podcast, brought to you by Life Data Labs, we welcome Southern California shoer, Ada Gates, to share her experiences as an ambassador for the international farrier industry.
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